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Join date: Jan 10, 2023


As a Spiritual Catalyst for Evolution, Scarlet Ravin has traveled the world for over 20 years studying with many different teachers from all walks of life. Her inner drive to Enlightenment has shed Light on many topics helping others heal themselves and find Harmony in their Life. As an International Best Selling author and founder of White Fox Medicinals, Scarlet now resides on an expansive Horse Ranch guiding others through Earth Medicine, Star Filled Alchemical Formulas, and teaching via an online School called "Curandera Eyes, and Psisilocybin Medicine."

Her way of moving through this world is a dance between the old shamanic Curandera ways and the new Light from the Stars coming into our Earth at this time. If you seek remembrance of who you truly are, that is what Scarlet is here for now.

Scarlet Ravin

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