Lesson One- Foundational Alignment
Lesson Two- Seeing with the Eyes of a Curandera
Lesson Three- Eyes of Curandera Initiation
Lesson Four- Connecting with Elemental Wisdom
Lesson Five- Connecting with Animal Spirits
Lesson Six- Connecting with Plant Spirits
Lesson One- Mind Training
Lesson Two- Curandera Values
Lesson Three- The Great Observer
Lesson Four- Excelling over Competing
Lesson Five- Diet and Fasting
Lesson Six- Making Space for Intuition
Lesson One- Power of Prayer
Lesson Two- WOW of Gratitude
Lesson Three- Miracles
Lesson Four- Nervous System Wholeness
Lesson Five- Gifts Back
Lesson Six- Sacred Spacing
Lesson One- Plant Medicine
Lesson Two- Cannabis and CBD
Lesson Three- Psilocybin
Lesson Four- Ayahuasca and Iboga
Lesson Five- Peyote and Kambo
Lesson Six- Relating to the Medicine as Sacred
Lesson One- Personal Sovereignty
Lesson Two- Sexual Relations
Lesson Three- Surrendering it All
Lesson Four- Desires and Morphogenetic Fields
Lesson Five- Self Empowerment
Lesson Six- Complete the Healing Cycle
Lesson One- Compassion and Love for All
Lesson Two- Unity Initiation
Lesson Three- Forgiveness for Freedom
Lesson Four- Recognizing Gifts
Lesson Five- Ascended Helpers
Lesson Six- Truth about Words
Lesson One- Lightness of Heart
Lesson Two- Be Amused
Lesson Three- The Point of Existence
Lesson Four- Playful Potions
Lesson Five- Healthy Surroundings
Lesson Six- Clean slate of Innocence
Lesson One- Ceremonial Integration
Lesson Two- Holy Anointing Oil
Lesson Three- Blessings
Lesson Four- Sacred Witness
Lesson Five- Pure Devotion
Lesson Six- Heavens Gateway
Pricing and Gifts
Course Price $550
When you sign up you get: A Bottle of White Fox Medicinals "Curandera Holy Anointing Oil"
A copy of "Follow the Medicine, Awakening Self Empowerment"
A Copy of "Psilocybin Transmissions"
A One on One Session for One Hour with Scarlet Ravin
Zoom Link to the Curandera Eyes online community that meets Once a Month for One Hour
The Above offerings will be sent to you via Regular Mail once you complete payment for the Curandera Online Course. Scarlet will also contact you to book your one on one session

Psilocybin Medicine Course Overview

Psilocybin is one of the greatest healers we have been given to work with on this Earth!
As many awaken to the Potentials of how this Divine Medicine can help bring them back into wholeness I am here to offer you a week long online course that you can take at your own pace and learn about the potentials of this Healing journey for you!
Overview on how the brain works, how you have two brains and how to summon any answer from the Divine.
The Importance of Mycelium and its impact on your Healing Journey.
Day 2
Micro-Dosing Questions answered
Why I use an Entourage Effect for Healing through Micro-Dosing
How our level of Awareness and Consciousness affects the Healing process with Psilocybin
How Psilocybin is a consciousness Medicine and has the ability to heal way more then we think it heals.
Day 3
How our thoughts create our reality, how Psilocybin can help us upgrade these thoughts to then improve our reality greatly.
Day 4
Deep Dive with Psilocybin! What does a large dose feel like, how to prepare and what to do if your trip feels uncomfortable.
Meet a Medicine Woman that will lovingly take you on a deep dive healing journey.
Day 5
What I have seen Psilocybin Heal
Factors that may contribute to how Psilocybin makes you feel.
Detoxing or lack thereof
Mental Beliefs and Attitudes
Overall Vitality
Day 6
Extra activities with Psilocybin, hiking, hot spring soaking, massages and sex.
Day 7
Integration, how to integrate and get the most out of your healing journey
COST: $11