"I highly recommend Scarlet's Curandera Eyes online training. It is versatile, fun, and practical. Scarlet's short videos always get to the heart of the matter and her personal experience and deep knowledge shine through in them. The exercises are fun and useful. In one, too, I contacted the plant world according to Scarlet's instructions, and I was very surprised to see a big dandelion with my inner eyes, which happily offered its help to me. After that came chamomile and birch, which gave their advice. How crazy is this?!! The most fun has been the monthly Zoom meetings of the course, where we share our experiences in a confidential and loving spirit. My vibrational frequency rises to heights after each time. Thank you, Scarlet!"
Tero Lahdes - Program Graduate
Curandera Eyes - the First Online Course Geared towards ending the Suffering for you and Everyone Else in the World.
As more and more people feel called to end their own suffering, the natural ways of healing and curing oneself are coming back to center stage. Plant medicine from the Earth as well as connecting to your Highest Self, your Soul can heal any physical ailment. One heals by aligning with their Soul and being of open heart. If Western medicine is not going to open their eyes to this fact, that all humans have a soul and require the knowledge and care of this Soul to be completely well then Western Medicine may go extinct.
This course teaches you how to heal yourself, and heal others by seeing this world through the eyes of a Curandera. A Curandera is someone who has spent they life listening to the Rhythm of the Earth and her natural cycles. Someone who respects all life and prays to God for Healing, and Guidance knowing that God is the only one that can truly heal us.
This very special, very timely online course will give you 8 weeks to sync deeply into practices that hold you, remind you and guide you into a suffering free life, where you can then share that gift of Peace with others. You do not need to know what herbs to use or what methods, all you need to know is how to surrender and be guided, as everyone you touch or pray for will likely need their own unique remedy.
"For all who take this course, you will receive miracles in your life
Curandera Eyes is a know-thyself journey. Deep dive into yourself. Allow all suppressed traumas to be healed.Bring all discord and blockages in all 3 bodies to the surface to be transmuted back to divine balance. Deep-seated fears, feelings of unworthiness, sickness and all lower vibrations you have held within yourself will be dissolved into truth, grace, joy, peace, love, abundance, and miracles whilst deepening your connection and communication with All that is /Great Spirit /God
Curandera Eyes allows oneself to go within and discover your true authentic self and talents
In our monthly zooms, I have witnessed other students blossom with remarkable transformations
We are fully loved and supported with insightful loving guidance from Scarlet every step of the way.
Taking part in Curandera Eyes has been the most loving gift I could have given myself, for my mind, body, and soul. I now have the tools to navigate through all my life experiences.
I invite you to experience this for yourself, it will change your life . You will become a living embodiment and expression of the Divine living in heaven on Earth
Curandera Eyes has been a catalyst
A life-changing journey into the depths of my soul
I am emerging into the most wonderful version of my sovereign, Divine, creator self,I Am presence
And you can too! "
Louise Boscott- Program Graduate
About the Teacher
I was born in 1982 and since that day I have craved Peace, Love and Joy. Even as a child my motivation to end my own suffering was all I could focus on, which is why I became Horse Obsessed. Horses knew what most humans didn't, they knew Truth was Love and Integrity healed the world. I learn from them every day still. I am very sensitive, so much so that this world felt like a cruel joke. How could God put someone this sensitive into a world this harsh?
God wanted me to change the world and serve the other humans in it and God knew, this would take a very sensitive person that feels much suffering.
My quest began in my early 20's where I spent the next 17 years of my life traveling the Globe studying with Guru's, Zen Monks, Shamans, Plant Spirit Guides and much much more.
I was going to discover true happiness for myself and nothing could stop me.
13 years ago I had an initiation with a Shaman which I go into more detail in the online course, this Initiation opened me to the Spirit Plant world where those Spirits began to guide me on how to heal myself and others.
After this initiation I birthed White Fox Medicine, a plant Spirit channeled formulation filled company that served all of humanity with all organic herbal remedies, filled with Prayer and Divine Remembrance.
I continue to educate and grow myself back into the Will of God, so I may be a conduit for the Healing of the Divine and serve the people, animals and plants of this planet into a new Realm of Heaven on Earth. To help all those to evolve past their own suffering and develop an entirely new earth.
This Online course will train you to walk in this way, and the more you commit to it, along with the independent reading materials I suggest the closer you will become to Heaven on Earth yourself, and the more you'll be helping yourself and others on this planet. When you walk in this way you feel an overwhelming sense of Peace and Joy just moving through your life, like a loving thread of Remembrance.
I will be here praying for you, serving you and helping you throughout this entire process.
Scarlet Ravin

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Endless Possibilities
Our Online School Course was created out of a strong passion, a shared vision and a ceaseless commitment to making learning easily accessible from anywhere in the world. Founded in 2000, our unique approach to learning is designed to provide our students with the opportunity to get an education on their own time.
At the heart of everything that we do is our commitment to accessible education and our students’ success. We invite you to explore our diverse offering designed for learners from all backgrounds and levels.